thumbs-iconIN BUSINESS SINCE 2002

clock-iconworking hours : Mon-Sat (9.00am - 5.00PM)

Our Phone Numbers

(425)728-8120 (425)272-7228




rooms cleaning photo
Dear Customers.

During this time of worldwide pandemic the health and safety of our customers is our highest priority. Unfortunately we cannot control the severity or unpredictability of COVID-19, but we can take all preventive measures possible to limit the spread and impact of this virus. Being extremely prudent in current work we operate all the basic preventative safety measures according the guidance set forth by the U.S. Federal Government, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other health agencies, including:

  • Cleaning hands with soap often, for at least 20 seconds.
  • Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  • Keeping the recommended 6 feet from people.
  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
  • Never allowing coughing or sneezing cleaners to work.
  • Staying home when sick.

We would also like to encourage our customers to let us know in advance of an appointment if there are any concerns or they would like us to take special precautions/cancel the appointment because of feeling sick.

Keeping your home clean and safe is our top priority.

Here is what we are doing now to prevent the spread of the virus and keep your house clean and sanitized:

– Working in your house our cleaning teams always wear masks and gloves, and are practicing social distancing with the customers.

– Our cleaners use sanitizing solutions to wipe down light switches, doorknobs, bathroom surfaces, and other commonly touched areas. They will clean and sanitize your house using products that include certain Environmental Protection Association (EPA) registered disinfecting products.

– We insist that our cleaners switch out all cleaning cloths and mop-heads between the houses and launder them thoroughly between usage.

– Our cleaning teams always have an opportunity to wash their hands with soap and water and use antibacterial hand sanitizer between the houses.

– We are also closely monitoring health agencies for the most up-to-date developments and following the guidance of government and public health officials.

Hoping for the soonest improvement of this situation we will help you keep your house clean.