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Cleaning glass items

04 Jun

Cleaning glass items

If you don’t want to spend your money on window cleaning services or expensive glass cleaning solutions, learn how to properly clean glass using your own cleaning solution. There are many ways to complete the task of glass cleaning, and most of these methods do in fact work. You should choose which one works better for you. Try our method. And you will see that it will work wonders for you.

There is a plenty of cleaning solutions in the market. But you can make your own cleaning solution for almost no cost. This solution will be completely free from chemical hazard. You can use modern tools to do the job. Or you may use newspaper to dry glass. But be aware that nowadays some papers use abrasive ink.

Depending on the shape and size of the glass you will need different tools, but solution stays the same. So, take one cup of white vinegar and one gallon of warm water. For severe jobs, add a splash of dish soap. Vinegar is a perfect choice for glass cleaning. It’s a biodegradable solution that kills bacteria and still is mild compared to most commercial cleaners.

If you are going to clean small items such as end tables and mirrors, and use a microfiber cloth designed for glass, spray bottle, and a lint-free towel. Fill an empty spray bottle with one part white vinegar and two parts water. Apply the solution carefully. To collect most of the moisture and filth use a lint-free towel. Then finish with the microfiber cloth. For bigger jobs, such as windows use a microfiber cloth, a squeegee, a bucket, a sponge, and a lint-free towel. Before you get started on a window, don’t forget to wipe down or dust the edges.

Enjoy your sparkling mirrors and windows!

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