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How Clean Is Your Shower Curtain?

23 May

How Clean Is Your Shower Curtain?

If you’ve noticed that your shower curtain is dirty, it’s time to give it a wash.

Washing machine is the best variant for it. Want to know how to do it?
Below there are some tips from our experienced experts who know how to do it.

In order to clean a shower curtain, you will need to put your dirty curtain into the washing machine, but it is also recommended placing several additional towels into the washing mashing.

And now it’s time for the detergent, use enough for this load and add the same amount of usual baking soda.

Turn on the mashing machine and choose the usual cycle.

When the work is almost done, you are to add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. White vinegar will help to remove soap scum and water spots from your favorite curtain.

Our experts recommend not spinning your curtain in the washing machine, because this cycle can damage it.

Now you can hang it back into the shower. Let it dry.

Of course, the best time to wash your shower curtain is on the same day when you clean the shower. This will prevent appearance of mold and mildew.

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