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How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean

16 May

How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean

A clean bathroom is a dream for every housewife. But the reality is so that it is always dirty. And it is understandable – we use it every day.

Here are several tips from our experts. Experts recommend starting with a shower. Spray it with cleanser and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Vinegar can also do miracles with your dirty showers.

Countertops should be not only cleaned, but also disinfected, use an all-purpose disinfectant to clean them.

Toilet is the hardest part in the bathroom. Just squeeze a cleaner in the bowl and allow it to sit there for 15 minutes, and then flush it thoroughly. The lid of the toilet should be not only cleaned, but also disinfected. Use a special disinfecting spray for these purposes.

A sink is also one of the most important parts in the bathroom that should always be clean. White vinegar will help you clean the inside and the outside of a sink and a microfiber cloth will help to polish the faucets.

For your floors use water with dishwashing soap. It will help to get rid of dirt and grease.

But the best advice from the experts is how to keep the bathroom clean. They recommend not to clean it once a week, for example, but to clean it everyday. Try not to clean it, but to maintain it clean.

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