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Cleaning Tips for Pregnant Women

29 Oct

Cleaning Tips for Pregnant Women

Future moms should always take care about not only themselves but also about their future babies. They shouldn’t forget about this principle also while cleaning. Many cleaning products are just filled with dangerous chemicals.

Some of them are not dangerous for usual people, but may cause problems for pregnant women.

Our experts have prepared several cleaning tips for future moms.

  1. Go green

Every house is filled with natural cleaners that can be effective and safe for future moms and their unborn children. Make your own cleaners or buy green ones from special stores.

  1. Ask your family members to help you

This principal works with older kids you have. Anybody from your family may help you and don’t resist their help.

  1. Don’t do anything at once

Try to do a little bit of work at a time. Rather than doing all the cleaning on the weekend, do little by little during the week.

  1. Don’t forget to ventilate your house

When you clean your house you need to remember to ventilate the house.

  1. Always read labels

Even if you are working with your favorite cleaners that you have been using for years, reread the labels.

And now the list of the things that future moms shouldn’t do.

  1. Don’t change the litter box if you have a cat or another pet. Inhaling the dust from the litter may cause toxoplasmosis and birth defects.
  2. Don’t clean the oven because the bigger the belly is, the more difficult the cleaning becomes. If your family members don’t want to do it, our cleaning company will gladly help you.
  3. Don’t use essential oils while cleaning because they are absorbed through skin.
  4. Don’t mix the chemicals. This tip is not only for pregnant, nobody should mix chemicals.

Of course a clean house is important, but it’s more important to protect your baby. Our cleaning crew in Seattle is ready to help you with this task.

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