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Deep House Cleaning: Where and How to Start

18 Jun

Deep House Cleaning: Where and How to Start

Even when we start thinking about deep cleaning, it makes us sick and tired. Is it possible to clean your home in no time? If yes, where and how we are to start?

Experts from Maria House Cleaning in Seattle have prepared several very useful tips that will help you to perform a deep cleaning saving your time and efforts.

Deep house cleaning means moving the furniture, cleaning under it, throwing away unnecessary things. The main principal of any cleaning, including a deep one, it should be performed from the top to the bottom; everything from the top to the bottom should be thoroughly cleaned.

Every house, even those that are cleaned regularly, needs deep cleaning from time to time.

What do you need to know to succeed in your deep cleaning efforts?

First of all, prepare all your cleaning supplies and carry them in a special basket or better in a tote.

Start cleaning from the back of your house and from the top floor. Try as hard as possible to clean everything from the top to the bottom.

Try not to be distracted. Switch the TV off; put away your cell phone, switch off your computer and WORK.

It is much easier if you have helpers. Lots of moms involve all members of their families to help them. It can be fun for every member, even a toddler.

Lots of people prefer to start cleaning from the bathrooms. Here, you need to wash the windows and windowsills, clean your toilet, basin, and wash the floors. Don’t forget about the mirrors.

Kitchen is considered to be the second dirtiest place in the house. You are to add in addition to a regular cleaning, cleaning of the refrigerator (inside and outside), cleaning of a junk drawer. You also need to wipe inside and the outside surfaces of all the cabinets. Vacuum and mop your floors. From time to time, your wood floors need to e waxed.

Deep cleaning should be also done to the windows, especially if the weather allows. But remember that you need to wash your windows not on a sunny day.

Don’t forget to clean your furniture. Wood furniture should be polished and all the cloth upholstery should be vacuumed. Don’t forget to clean under the sofas and couches.

Remove cobwebs, clean air vents and fans.

Extra attention during deep house cleaning should be paid to disinfection. Try to disinfect as much surfaces as possible.

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