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Finding a laundry system that fits your lifestyle

21 Jun

Finding a laundry system that fits your lifestyle

If you are the one who is responsible for suppling family members with clean, well-fitting and appropriate clothes, don’t waste another minute, check out these important tips on how to establish an efficient household laundry system.
Craft a system to handle your family’s exact clothing needs. Spontaneous system is not a good one for those who want to stay organized, and don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on household cleaning.
If there are no clean clothes, someone should do the wash. Your clothing gets clean, but along with that you waste your time and money. If you decide to buy new clothing on an unplanned, impulse basis, you will more likely purchase it at a higher price than necessary. Does this scenario describe your household’s laundry system? Then, decide what changes will make your own system function smoothly. Develop an efficient laundry system.
Scan you family calendar for events that may require special clothing. Make sure each family member has appropriate clothing. Purchase needed items for each family member, on sale.
Check supply of laundry products. Buy replacements before the supply is exhausted. You may need to purchase additional laundry baskets or hampers. Purchase laundry basket or hamper for each family member.
It’s always better to write down each thing that should be done, large or small. Enter all tasks in your list or calender. There should be clean, appropriate and well-fitting clothing for each family member each day.
Put out-of-season, outgrown or outworn items in an appropriate place. Deliver dirty clothing to collection points each day. Place dirty clothes in a hamper or basket, don’t leave them around at random. In this way you will help the family member who is responsible for laundering the clothing find dirty clothes. Then transfer that clothing to laundry area. Sort, wash, dry and fold your clothes. Iron if necessary. Return clean clothing to storage areas.
Children also can do basic household chores. For example they can operate the washer and dryer. Try to incorporate all your family members in the laundry and cleaning process. It will ease the process and help organize your busy family life.
Try to establish laundry and clothing systems and you will see how many benefits it will give to you and your family.

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