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Four Common Mistakes during Cleaning

05 Dec

Four Common Mistakes during Cleaning

If you regularly do the cleaning, you probably have your own habits, methods of cleaning and proven techniques that you use. But there are several mistakes that are made almost by every person who does the cleaning.

Wash the dishes correctly

Most of us do have the dishwashers, but not everybody knows how to upload it correctly. Meanwhile, the correct loading of the dishes and tableware is critical. The upper basket is mostly used for glasses, cups, mugs, small plates and other relatively small items. Cups, glasses and mugs should be placed upside down on a special holder.

Lower basket of the dishwasher is designed for large and very dirty items, such as pots, pans, large plates. Remember that you cannot place pans and pots on top of each other – the water won’t reach the surface and it will remain dirty.

Stains on the carpet

If you have found a spot, the hand itself stretches to the cleaner and wants to pour it on top of the stain. But this is the wrong approach, because the concentrated detergent will not clean better if you pour more of it. Just on the contrary, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of soapy mess on your carpet. The best way for cleaning a stain on your carpet is to pour a cleaner on a sponge or cloth and then use it for cleaning. The rest of soapy foam and dirt is easy to clean with a wet clean cloth.

Windows: the sun is your enemy

Every housewife should remember that she shouldn’t clean windows on a sunny day, because you will have lots of stains. And it will be difficult to get rid of them, no matter how hard you will try, and no matter how great cleansers you will use.

Cleaning of the screens

Nowadays in the era of different gadgets it is difficult not to have one of them. Everybody has a cell phone, a laptop and other things, but not everyone knows that there millions of bacteria that are accumulated on the surface of our gadgets. So it is very important to clean them and to do it on time and properly. The best way of cleaning the screens is using a clean microfiber cloth.



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