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How will you celebrate the Earth Day?

22 Apr

How will you celebrate the Earth Day?

Today is the Earth Day as celebration of this event always falls on April 22. No matter what the weather, go outside, enjoy the fresh air, walk through the woods in search of green moss and emerging wildflowers. Beside enjoying nature, remember that it’s in danger. That’s why on the Earth Day everyone should start doing something to lower their carbon footprint.

Our earth is in great danger unless we make considerable changes in the way we treat it. Climate change is already a big problem that is impacting people, animals, and beloved places. We all should step up to do something about it, we all should be more conscientious of our environment.

Climate change is a very serious problem and if you want to be a part of the solution, start doing something to lower your carbon footprint today. Take part in the community clean-up: clean up the local beaches, plant evergreens, help prevent wind and water erosion, learn about environmental problems, host a discussion about the effects of climate change, spur action on local green initiatives, look for the ways to mitigate the problems, mobilize volunteers to protect the environment, organizing a reforestation campaign.

Earth day should be a start-up of your recycling program. You should be conscious of your own footprint and recycle or donate many of the things that are cluttering up your house. Clean up your back and front yards, drive ways, undo the built up clutter, etc. Bring nature into your garden. Plant wildflowers. Celebrate Earth Day!

On Earth Day, people need to realize that they are part of the nature. That’s why we should stop destroying it. We are obliged to save it for our future generations.

Happy Earth Day!

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