Without a doubt, a mirror is an essential element of any home interior. Usually cleaning a small mirror does not present any difficulties, but if a huge closet with mirrored doors or walls emerges in your house, then the situation changes radically. How to clean a mirror so that no streaks and stains are left on it? We will describe in this article.
What are the reasons of streaks appearing on a mirror?
Firstly, spots and streaks can appear due to the fact that the mirror surface is poorly cleaned and particles of dust and dirt remained on it.
Secondly, the use of poor quality cleaning agent, after which soapy stains appear.
A third reason may be the poor quality of water, which may contain various impurities showing as streaks.
Proper cleaning of mirrors:
As the first step, we remove the dirt.
It is necessary to remove particles of dust and dirt from the mirror, but it is not enough only to spray the glass cleaner on its surface. You should clean the mirror surface with a sponge previously soaked in soapy water. Any ordinary detergent or shampoo is suitable for cleaning mirrors. Keep in mind the fact that you shouldn’t use any abrasives, because they can scratch the mirror surface. After a mirror was treated with soapy water, take a clean cloth wetted with water and wash the surface. This procedure should be repeated several times so that you will see no streaks left on the surface.
Below you will find some simple tips concerning how to clean a mirror properly with using simple materials at hand:
1. Pour a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of clean water, and slowly add to this liquid some tooth powder. You need to make a pasty mass out of these ingredients, and use it for washing the mirror. Then, wipe the mirror dry with a clean crumpled paper. Such means can also be used for a qualitative washing of the windows.
2. A very effective tool that can easily cope with spots made by flies is an ordinary onion juice. This requires cutting the onion in halves and rubbing the mirror surface with one of the onion halves. Then rub the surface with a soft cloth.
3. You can rub a cloth soaked in water with chalk and wipe the mirror surface. After the chalk dries out, wipe the chalk with a clean dry cloth.
4. To achieve the perfect shine of the mirror surface you may use the lightly salted water or water with the addition of some vinegar.
These simple tips will help you to clean mirrors without streaks and stains. These handy tools may also help you to clean shop-fronts and windows.