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Hardwood Floors – Tips For Your Home

07 May

Hardwood Floors – Tips For Your Home

Hardwood floors are considered to be very beautiful, but difficult to take care of. But the truth is…it’s not so difficult, you just need to follow several pieces of advice.

  • No dust and dirt

Try to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt on your hardwood floors. The reason is simple: these abrasive materials can scratch the finish.

Experts say that the best way to get rid of dirt and dust on hardwood floors is to put a mat at the doorway. Also choose a soft broom and a soft attachment for your vacuum cleaner.

  • No spills

Wet spills are another problem for the floors. You need to clean them as soon as possible. Remember that liquids can discolor the floor. Very often hardwood floors can be found in the kitchen, experts recommend placing a mat before the cabinet with a sink.

  • No moving of the furniture

Hardwood floors are resistant to many things, but not to furniture moving. The furniture as well as high heels, for example, can scratch and scuff the floors.

  • Avoid dry air

Dry air in the rooms, especially in winter, can cause hardwood floors to shrink. The easiest way to prevent the dryness, use a usual humidifier.

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