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How to Clean an Air Conditioner?

26 Aug

How to Clean an Air Conditioner?

First of all, it is very easy to answer the question how often to clean the air conditioner. It depends on how often you do the wet cleaning of your house, it also depends on whether anyone smokes in the room and on how often you wipe off the dust. The optimal variant for the air conditioner is to clean it once a month. But if someone smokes in the room and you do not often clean your apartment, it’s obligatory to clean your air conditioner twice a month.

Clean Air Conditioner is the Guarantee of the Health of Your Lungs

The quality of cleaning the air depends on the cleanness of the filters. Besides, filters of the air conditioner protect the interior parts of the system, in particular, a heat exchanger. A dirty heat exchanger may make inoperative the air conditioner very quickly. That’s why, for the safety of your lungs, for the fresh and clear air and for the safety of your family budget, our cleaning professionals recommend to clean the air conditioners regularly. In addition, this procedure can be performed by your.

Wet cleaning of the air conditioner

In order to clean the conditioner, you need to lift up the cover by slightly pulling the front air diffuser on yourself. Pull out the filter gently lifting it from the bottom. In order to clean the filter, simply rinse it under warm running water. If the pollution is severe, then Maria House Cleaning recommends using detergents. The filter can be placed back into the air conditioner only after it is completely dry.

Get rid of odors

Sometimes air conditioner can smell strong, but it is quite easy to resolve this problem. You can purchase lliquid disinfectants or antiseptics, ideally – an alcohol-based, in every pharmacy. In order to get rid of the odors you need to open the air conditioner, remove filters and switch the conditioner on the lowest temperature with the maximum airflow. Spray antiseptic solution in such a way, that the splashes are pulled into the cell radiator of the coolant. You need to spray for several minutes. After 10-15 minutes of the work in this mode, you will notice that the smell disappeared.

Cleaning of the heat exchanger

The heat exchanger is an important part of the air conditioner, which also needs to be cleaned regularly. Working efficiency of the conditioner depends on the heat exchanger. Switch off the air conditioner and use a wet cloth to wipe carefully the body of the heat exchanger,  be sure not to leave the dust, dirt and poplar fluff.

Clean air conditioner is the key to a long life of your air conditioner and to the fresh and cool air in your house.

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