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Make Over Your Freezer

03 Oct

Make Over Your Freezer

Sometimes our freezers look like Antarctica. We have products there that can not be identified, some of them smell, others look nasty. What to do and where to start?

Start with taking everything out. If you have lots of ice in the freezer, unplug it and leave for 30 minutes. If your freezer looks nice then use a usual wet sponge and wipe away all the stains, spots, etc. Sometimes we open our freezer and understand that it smells. In this case use usual baking soda and wet sponge to clean it away later.

The next thing is storing. It’s not a secret that storing should be smart. The best answer for storing is special glass container with airtight tops. Plastic bags are also fine, but you need to make sure that they are freezer-safe. Look for information on the packaging.

Divide and then store food into portions. Do not freeze the whole chicken if you won’t need the whole one for your cooking. Cut it and then freeze. It is very comfortable if every portion or every piece is covered in foil or placed in a bag.

Write the date when the food was put into a freezer. Products that are older should be used at first. This habit will help you not to throw away old frozen meat or other leftovers.


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