Do you feel depressed by your messy surroundings? Don’t get upset. It’s not so difficult to change the situation. All you need to do is to set up some time-table or to-do list. And if you follow it, you will be able to see how easily you can change your whole life. All you need to do is to try. So, try to wake up early and you will have much more time and energy to enjoy your day. If you are a little drowsy, try splashing cold water on your face. Then take a shower, brush your teeth, shave, etc.
After that get your body warmed up with some physical health practices. You can go for an early morning jog or exercise at home. Take a shower once agsin and eat you delicious breakfast. Then, wash your breakfast dishes and anything you find in your sink. After, go to your bedroom and make your bed. Then tackle all rooms left. Make sure all the trash and junk is removed. Make sure everything is in its place. Throw away papers and other stuff you don’t need. Fold clothes or hang them up in a closet. If you have old clothes that you don’t like or need any more, recycle them or throw them out.
Clean up every room in your house, but pay spacial attention to your kitchen and bathroom. These places should be thoroughly cleaned up. It’s better to sanitise them well. Kitchen is a strategis place, yo prepare your food there. So all appliences on your kitchen, your countertop, sink should shine. You should spend some time to clean up your kitchem well, but it’s worth it. Then move to your bathroom and do your best to clean this place. During the day you use this room quite often. It also should be clean. Personal hygiene is very important so you take care of your body. You also should take care of cleanliness of your bathroom as it has a direct relation to your hygiene.
Then, move along to other rooms in your house. Make sure you let the fresh air in. Wipe away dust, get rid of dirt and other junk. Vacuum your carpeting. If necessary, clean the windows, light fixtures, mirrors.
If you have some ideas on how to redecorate your home, go on. If you need a new kind of place to have rest or work in, just try to move your furniture around. Find your optimal feng shui setting.You may buy some accessories or paint for your home to make it feel new again, of course if your budget allows it. Choose a design that best fits your taste and needs.
In any case, you should not stress yourself. If you can’t do everything in one day, decide what things you should accomplish first or simply splite tasks into smaller pieces.