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Fighting Against Household Odors

26 Sep

Fighting Against Household Odors

All the time something in our house stinks…In order to get rid of the bad smell we need to know the main reason for it. At the same time, it’s important not just mask the odor, but we want to get rid of it. That’s why experts from the cleaning company recommend using odor counteractants instead of air fresheners.

Pet Smells

First of all you need to brush and wash your pet regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria. Use a special shampoo that your veterinarian will recommend. As for the litter box, you may use special clay-based litter that absorbs odors and clumps when it becomes wet. There are different kinds of such litter that can be found in the pet stores.

Food Odors

Food odors can be easily removed with the help of DIY citrus room spray. In order to prepare it use three tablespoons of distilled water, three tablespoons of vodka and your favorite citrus essential oils. But be careful; don’t use it on the fabric.

Bathroom Odors

First of all, in order to get rid of bathroom odors you need to clean it regularly. You may also lit candles and matches to kill odors, but thorough cleaning is the first and the only answer.

Garbage Smell at the Garbage Disposal

Garbage smells in the garbage disposal can be removed with the help of a lemon. Cut a lemon in halves and rub the inside of the disposal with the lemon, leave it for a night and in the morning rinse well and let it completely dry outside.

Fridge Odors

Baking soda is the best answer for absorbing fridge odors. Dissolve some baking soda in water and wet a cloth in this mixture, wipe the inside and the outside of the fridge. No odors are left, be sure!

Enjoy your house that smells greatly and pleasantly!!!

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