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How to Find Things in Your Closet?

31 Jan

How to Find Things in Your Closet?

Sometimes our closets look really messy, we can spend hours looking for the second shoe or the pants that you need.

Today we will tell you how to get rid of clutter in the closet.

First of all, take all the things out of the closet. And now sort your clothes: jeans, sweaters, blouses, long sleeves, short sleeves, socks, etc.

While sorting the things, try to get rid of those clothes that you don’t like or you haven’t worn in years. Just throw it away.

At the same time try t understand what kinds of clothes you need, make notes while sorting.

You also need to get rid of things that are out of style, because more likely you will not wear them again.

The good way to get rid of things is to donate them, especially if they are in good condition.

And now it’s time to organize your closet. Make up your own system that will work best for you. You may arrange your clothes by color, or by type. Make it as easy as possible.

Be sure to remember that all the clothes that you want to donate will help you to make money. Get a receipt and remember that donations are tax deductible.

Enjoy your nicely organized closet.

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