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Summer clean up

20 Jun

Summer clean up

Have you started your summer clean up and don’t know what to do with all the stuff you’ve discovered? We hope our tips ill help you haul it all away! We understand that you got used to all that stuff. But you should face the fact that you don’t need it as you don’t use it any more. All that items only take up a lot of space. So, decide what items are still and donate them (contact a charitable organization). If you have items that should be stored, return them to their best possible state. Prepare to throw away all the stuff left.

What items can be included in the Clean Up?

unusable furniture;
old appliances;
old lumber;
broken toys;
flower pots;
old cutlery and crockery;
all household garbage, etc.

A lot of cleaning companies provide summer clean-up services, so you can book them. The cleaning team will come and take away all your garbage. Put all your items out on the kerb the night before cleaning crew comes to take it all away. If your neighbours are also participating in the clean up strive to keep your piles separate and distinct from each other.

But don’t forget about restricted items. Oftentimes cleaning companies refuse to collect the following items:

electronics – televisions and computer monitors;
household waste (eg food scraps, wrappers, etc);
household hazardous wastes (paint, hot ash, oil,
flammables, etc.);
construction/demolition materials (roofing iron, fibro, etc);
materials from fires or evictions;
chemicals and poisons;
bricks, rocks sand, soil;
gas bottles;
fencing wire;
vehicle engines or parts, car tyres and batteries.

You will be able to get rid of the stuff written above during some recycling events for hazardous wastes, tires, and electronics which take place throughout the year. Some cleaning companies have such waste programs which anable people to recycle the items listed above.

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