We should face it that some stains are very hard to clean out. You can spend your efforts energy and time, but still don’t get any results.
Don’t worry even if you spill red wine on your carpet. With our hints you will easily and quickly get rid of all the stains. By using the proper stain removal method on your valuable carpeting you can remove most stains.
Of course, getting beverage stains out can be a daunting task. If you have to deal with the wine, beer or coffee stains, be aware that the best you can do is to clean them up before they have a chance to set. Use a proper cleaner to remove the stains. Blot the stain carefully, don’t rub it. If you find the stain dried on your valuable carpeting, follow the next steps. You should follow the correct procedure in order to remove red wine stains. Before treating the stained area always test the solution on an inconspicuous area to avoid further damage.
First of all pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Then, make a mixture of half water and half of a carpet cleaning shampoo and mist the stain. Blot dry with a clean cloth.
We hope our tips will help you combat with all the cleaning difficulties.