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Clean the bathroom properly

28 May

Clean the bathroom properly

As you realize that a clean bathroom is very important for the health of your family, you should strive to keep it clean and sanitized.

Bathroom is one of the least fun places to clean. Sometimes people clean their bathrooms in such way that they just spread the germs and bacteria around and don’t clean the essential areas at all.

Things you will need to use during the cleaning: rubber gloves, hand towels, disinfectant cleaner, shower cleaner, window cleaner, broom, mop, toilet bowl brush. Of course, you may choose to use environmentally friendly cleaning products to clean your bathroom. Then, you will need vinegar, baking soda or lemon juice. It’s up to you to choose what cleaning solutions to use.

First of all, take everything off the bathroom and sweep. Be sure to sweep all corners of the bathroom, and don’t miss the area behind the toilet either. Then, take everything out of the shower and spray it down with the shower spray. Let it soak.

Now you’re going to clean your toilet. Put on the rubber gloves. Pour the toilet bowl cleaner around the rim of your toilet. Take the toilet bowl brush and scrub inside of the toilet. After using toilet bowl brush, rinse it under the hot water.

Take disinfectant and a rag and spray down the top of the toilet and the lid. Then, wipe down. Open the lid and spray down the rim of the toilet, all sides of the toilet and around the bottom. Then, wipe down. At the end, flush the toilet! Don’t forget to scrub or wipe down the inside and outside edges of the toilet seat.

Now it’s time to clean your mirror. Mirrors definitely add beauty to your bathroom, but they get dirty very quickly. When this happens your mirrors can be a real eye sore. To avoid this clean them regularly. Take the window cleaner and a rag and clean the mirror. Be careful: keep your commercial cleaning solution from getting to the bottom edge of the mirror as this can cause damage to the backing.

Now it’s time to clean the sink and counter. Take your disinfectant cleaner and spray down the counter and sink. Clean them using the rag. If you have soap scum stains in your sink fill the sink with bleach and hot water and let sit.

Then, wipe down the door handle. If you decide to deep-clean your bathroom, you should clean the windows and wash curtains as well.

Now take a new rag and wipe down the shower. Once your shower is cleaned, put everything back into place. And don’t forget to wipe down the shower walls when cleaning the bathroom. The last thing you need to do is to mop the floor. You can empty the trash can while waiting for the floor to dry. Once your floor is dry, put everything back into place. Now your bathroom is sparkly clean!

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