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Using Homemade Products for Cleaning Pipes

02 Dec

Using Homemade Products for Cleaning Pipes

Using homemade products for cleaning your pipes is the least dangerous and the least expensive way of cleaning. Of course, commercial drain cleaners may seem very effective, but you need to know that with the clog these products may eat up your drains. T the same time they are very dangerous and may cause serious irritations. That’s why you need to consider using safe homemade cleaners.

Using vinegar and baking soda

In order to clean the drains with these ingredients you will need half of a cup of vinegar, a cup of baking soda and a plug for the drain. You will need to pour the baking soda and then follow with the vinegar. Be quick and cover the drain with the pug if you don’t want to have a volcano. Leave it so for 30 minutes. Probably, you will need to repeat the process in order to make your drains faster.

Boiling water

<p”>You may also to use usual boiling water in order to clean the drain. The heat will make all the work for you. Start pouring the boiling water into the drain, once the water starts to back up, stop pouring it.

The combinations of methods

If you have really difficult clog or bad odor, you need to use a more aggressive method of cleaning. Pour salt in the drain; add a cup of baking soda. Pour in the vinegar, and then use boiling water. Check the drain again in 30 minutes, and add another half of a cup of vinegar if necessary.

If you have any other problems our crew will be ready to help you.

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