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Wax Removal

10 Dec

Wax Removal

Christmas time is almost here. We will have lots of parties and great time with friends. But after the parties will have special time of cleaning. Today we will share with you how to remove wax from different surfaces.

Wood floors

First of all you need to freeze wax with the help of ice pack. Then scrape it with a thin hard object, something like a credit card, but do it gently. It is not recommended to use a knife because you may damage the wood floor.

If the spot isn’t shining anymore, you may use a special polish or wax for the floor, buff your floor with a clean and soft cloth.


Place a paper on top of the wax stain and then iron it. Do it until the wax is removed from the carpet onto the paper. But be careful with colored candle wax, because it may color the carpet.

Vinyl floors

It is the easiest type of surface to clean. Just use hot water on the spot and then wipe the wax away using a dry cloth.


First you need to scrape the wax off and then apply heat to melt it. You may use a usual hair dryer. The rest of the wax is easily removed with hot water and dishwashing detergent.


Both variants are good for the countertops. Scrape up the wax when cooled or heat up the area with a dryer and wipe away the rest of the remaining wax with a paper towel.

Happy holidays to you! Be prepared and have several kinds of detergents at home just in case.

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