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Quick Cleaning Checklist

25 Jan

Quick Cleaning Checklist

If your house is a wreck, spare your time to clean it up. Decide how much time you can spend. This will help you set up your cleaning schedule. Be realistic about what you want and can do. A lot of people prefer to put off cleaning as long as possible, but it’s better to maintain your home in order and clean regularly. Do a little bit every day so that the work doesn’t pile up. It’s up to you what style to choose, but it’s recommended to have major-cleaning day a few times a month.

First, wash your glass. The home can only sparkle when all the windows and mirrors are clean. You will need a solution of warm or hot water, dish soap, rag, sponge, or squeegee. After cleaning the surface wipe it down with lint-free paper towels. If you want to clean your glass in an environmentally friendly way, use vinegar and water to clean the surface.

Be cautious with all-purpose cleaners. Do not mix them. They aren’t always safe for every purpose. Thoroughly read labels before purchasing the solutions. Make sure they fit your needs and are safe to use in your home.

Vacuuming is the most effective and easy way to clean up all the dust and crumbs that accumulate on your floor. If you have pets, vacuum daily. Carpet is also a breeding ground for fleas that why it’s a necessity to vacuum and clean it regularly. Mop your floor. Use good rag mop, hot water and the appropriate cleaner for your floor.

If you wash your dishes using dishwasher, it’s recommended to load it completely and run it right after you use your dishes. It’s always much easier to wash your dishes right after using them as the food juices won’t have a chance to dry and harden. It’s better to hand-wash big plates that don’t fit well in the dishwasher. Fragile things also should be hand-washed.

There are a lot of cleaning tasks around the house. We all know that it’s much easier to keep your home in order when all the family members are incorporated in cleaning and organizing. Delegate the tasks. Someone can be responsible for emptying trash bins and taking out the trash. Someone can keep track of what is happening in the kitchen. Cleaning the kitchen table, microwave and toaster may be in his/her list of responsibilities. Another person can be responsible for changing bedsheets, pillowcases, etc.

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