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21 Dec

Stains removal tips for any case

Removing stains from different surfaces Stains removal is the most common and usual problem a housekeeper can face, and there is a lot of tips, helping you dispose of any stains. The shortlist of items, that are essential when you deal with stains, consists of hydrogen peroxide, a mild detergent…

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21 Dec

How to enjoy a clean and safe kitchen

Tips to keep your kitchen clean Keeping your kitchen clean is essential. It’s a place where you eat and cook your food, so make sure to clean it regularly and thoroughly. Most of kitchen surfaces can be cleaned with a simple solution, which consists of a ¼ of a cup…

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21 Dec

Cleaning and washing your window glass

How to prepare your windows for washing Clean windows are essential for a cozy house, because they let much more sunlight in, making your room not just bright, but also warm. Cleaning glass isn’t easy, but several tips are able to make your windows cleaning efficient. First of all, decide…

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09 Jul

Cleaning floors like a professional cleaner

Defining the floor cleaning method If you want to clean your floors like a professional cleaner, you have to find out, what kind of floor you have, beforehand. For Swedish Finish Wood floors (most wood floors for last 25 years have Swedish Finish) you should use around 1 TBL of…

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